Monday, May 16, 2005

Painfully Slow Progress

I'm nearing the corner on roughing out the fish character. You can see the sketch that i'm going off of right here. Joe did that beauty back in February. Anyway, this will mark how a model evolves over time as I continue to add more detail, like a potter at the wheel... Think "Ghost". I'm Demi Moore and Joe would take the part of Patrick Swayze, gently guiding my hand over the wet, smooth clay... whooo, is it getting hot in here?!!

Alright, enough kidding around. Get back to work, y'all.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Look Out! I'm Movin' Here!

Alright, kids. I've been a little preoccupied with selling my house, and finding a new one. We all know how tedious that can be, so I won't go into details. Needless to say, the production of the movie has taken a hit because of it, but do not fret: I am about to recommence.

I'll make no promises when I'll actually show something, only because I don't know when this house stuff is going to rear it's ugly head. So you'll just have to keep checking back like you do every day with bated breath. But I wouldn't be surprised if I had something up by tomorrow or Thursday.

ta ta, Teutell...

Friday, May 06, 2005

Mmmmmmm, Worms

Since I don't have any new stuff to show off yet, here's one that goes back to August of twenty-aught-4. Joe and I first came up with the concept back in July of last year, and this was a test to see if we had the chops to bring some of our ideas to life. It's pretty lame actually, but it was cool to see (at least for me... Joe's eyes just sort of crossed, then he went back to watching Fear Factor or something). Anyway, take a gander, it's just Wormy sort of doing a little jig, but it's a very worm-like jig.

I REALLY want to start showing off some of the Fishy stuff, but I haven't even started yet. Maybe this weekend will smileth upon me, and maketh my hand turn steadfastly toward the computer. That way, I'd have some good stuff to show by Monday. Thanks for hanging in there with me, sometimes this stuff doesn't move as fast as I would like. And that goes double for Joe.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

More of The Same.

Just another facial animation test... but this time I've simplified his movements somewhat, less erratic eyeblinks, and he's not blowing this time around. What we need the character to do in this movie is act a little bewildered in his old age, so he's not too coherent to begin with. What you see him doing here is a lot like how he might be acting most of the time in his scene. But time will tell. On to more modeling now, the fishbowl awaits...