Friday, March 11, 2005

FAQ posted

HEY! In case none of you noticed, we threw up a FAQ over in the light brown column to the right. For now it has a few questions in all, but we'll add to it as soon as we feel there are actual questions to be answered. So stop sending questions such as: Why is Joe such a Jerk? or: Does Joe need a hug? or: Is Joe real, or just an existential manifestation of my inner aggressions? Because the answer to all those questions are an emphatic and resounding: 42.

ok, so I stole that one from Douglas Adams. But it works.


  1. Because I try to avoid the initials "PC" in any circumstance. Whether it stands for "Personal Computer", or "Politically Correct", or "Pretty Calm", or even "Pedestrian Crossing", I want absolutely nothing to do with it.

    Trust me, It's worth the inconvenience. And the jay-walking tickets.

  2. oy. it runs in the family...

  3. hey, E...he's my idol, much as i kid, i believe his talent is limitless and he's an awesome friend as well...but, of course, if you tell anybody i said so, i'll have to kill you...

  4. Can I just interrupt for a moment? Good. Can you guys feel the love in here? **sigh** So much love.

    Okay... you may continue with how awesome I am...


let us know what you really think... it's okay to gush...