Thursday, April 28, 2005


Man, I was going to have a new render for you today. It would have been more of the same (Morty looking around and doing his thing), but unfortunately, we had a black-out on the computer. So the render quit and I lost all those precious frames. Ahhh well, I've re-started the render. So, we'll all get to see it tomorrow.

Also, I've had to focus a little more energy than normal onto other endeavors this week. Joe and I are also in the process of combining our "design and motion" capabilities under one web site. And as we all know, making something cool takes an extrodinary amount of time and effort. So. for the time being, I have to split my efforts between that and the movie... but it's all good. In no way will this mean Joe & I will stop posting here every week, we will continue to show our progress, but it means just that, we'll ONLY post our progress, which means progress advances only as fast as we do. Man?! What does that even mean? I'm not even making any sense... now I think I'M going senile.

ok. I just pee'd myself. Move over Morty...

Monday, April 25, 2005

Morty Blows

I now have him partially rigged. Enough to do a mediocre test animation anyway. In this little test, he blinks a lot, moves his mouth randomly a lot, and lets out a blow in order to blow out a candle that isn't there yet. To be honest, I wouldn't have posted this had it not been over a week since my last content entry. But, I figured, it's fun to point and laugh at the animator as he painfully works out how he's going to make this guy move.

Over the next few weeks, I might try and do a couple more animation tests... try and narrow down his style... but in reality, I think we all need a break from Morty, and I might move on to other scenes within the film. There is a mountain of work to be done, and we've only just begun to chip away at it. I started with one of the more difficult scenes first, so I might move on to one of the more simpler parts: The Goldfish Scene.

We also want to get going on actual pre-visualization. With the Morty scene nearing completion (maybe 70-80% of the way there) we need to start working out the blocking and pacing of the film. This process is very important to the final result and should make for an efficient work-flow when it comes time to really start the animation process and locking down shots for final rendering.

We are trying to be as organized as possible in our approach, but sometimes it helps to break up the monotony and pull out the shotgun then start firing away to see if you hit anything. Not to mention, the shotgun can be fun. Once everyone's adrenalin is pumped back up, we'll move back to the sniper rifle, and start laying in the detail. But for now... lock and load.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Bone to Pick

There are things I like about this 3D stuff, some things I love. But setting up a character rig has got to be the down side. It can be rather challenging to get it to look and behave right. But alas, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel (apropos for the sort of story we're telling). All of his major bodily movements have been successfully rigged (boned), so now I have to set up morph targets for his face. Setting up the face targets is much more fun and intuitive (for me anyway) than actually rigging a character to move. I WISH I had some stuff to post, but it's just not in a state that's presentable yet. What I might do is a character test and fully render it over the weekend, so you'll have a bright, shiny new movie to watch by Monday. Thanks for hanging in there folks... patience is a virtue.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Post-Weekend Update

Every Monday we'll post stuff here to let you know what we've been doing and what we might have in store. I've been doing small, imperceptible improvements to the Morty model that just isn't worth posting here. We're at that part of the production where it slows down a bit, and there isn't much new stuff worth showing. We don't want to risk becoming repetitive, or boring... So we want to wait until we have something new or worthwhile to show. At the very least, we'll try and post something once a week.

Joe is working on designing a new parent site for the movie. It's main purpose will be a more traditional website. It'll have a Gallery (a more organized repository of images and animation clips), More in-depth content about the movie itself, and... of course... a merchandise store where one might want to get a bon-a-fide official The End t-shirt, or an official The End mouse pad, or an official The End speedo. All procedes will go directly into our pockets, where they will immediately combust upon the iron hull of our movie debt.

SO, we'll let you know when that site is up and running. I'd say expect something in mid-May, but you know how glacial these things can move sometimes.

In the meantime, sit tight and keep an eye on this site.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Details, Details, Details

So what we have here is Morty with some new skin, new glasses, and a little hair. It was Joe's suggestion to make some new glasses, and I think we'll all agree that it's for the better. Joe has the unfortunate ability to always be right... it's unfortunate, because it usually means more work for me.

Anyway, take a nice close look... Morty's really come a LONG way, as you can tell from this early post. It won't be long now until we can finally deem him finished. Then we'll rig him, and it'll be time for some animation tests and some real movement.

And that's HD resolution you'll be looking at, so again, file size will be rather big for you people with smaller monitors.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Counting Bodies Like Cows To The Rhythm Of The War Drums.

Man...this might not look like much, but the interior structure was time-consuming. I think this will give Kev a decent jumping off point for his modeling exploits. Speaking of exploits, Kev's been jamming on wrapping up the texture for Morty's skin and let me tell looks sweet. We are super pleased with the results. Maybe he'll have something to show later today.

To our six fans out there, don't comment all at once. You might break the internet.

Monday, April 11, 2005

This Week...

Most people like to have fun, unwind...enjoy life a little. I mostly just get irritated by it. I continually want to push myself to do more, make more progress and get things done. A state of relaxation just doesn't seem to be possible for me. My mind races at light-speed all the time. So, with that being said, let's talk a little about what we want to get done over at 'THE END.' central this week. We want to get Morty's scene fully modeled and get him rigged so that we can start the animation process. That would be a huge step for us and get us feeling better about the process. From the art side of things, I am going to finish up the cow / barn scene artwork this evening and have a post for you later on that. One of my next goals is to start finalizing our storyboards so that Kev and I can start pre-visualizing this thing with rough shapes to get timing and the overall blueprint for the film set in stone.

So, you guys go enjoy your week and check back with us frequently. We'll have stuff to show. I'm the one in the corner getting irritated.

Friday, April 08, 2005

No Rest For The Truly Wicked.

I know how you all like it rough out there in the ether, so, I thought I'd give you an early look at the cow / farm scene. It's super preliminary, so don't get on my ass about perspective this, cow anatomy that...It's a rough kids. Take a deep breath and enjoy life. It's 1:03 am in the east as I write this. I am in the basement, the heavy metal is cranked, I'm in a cloud of toxic marker vapor, the creativity is flowin' and I'm just getting warmed up. No rest for the wicked.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Happy Birthday Morty!

Okay. This is really starting to get hard. But I knew that going in, I was just fishing for some pity. I've been blowing through iteration after iteration of different lighting, textures, props. This is where I currently am.

Things I know I'll be changing: Carpet; Table Cloth/Doily; Making the cake shorter; one way or another I'll be giving him hair and eyebrows; Texture on his cardigan.

Things I'll probably be tweaking: Lighting; Lighting; Table & wood textures; Lighting; Placement of various props, like the TV; Lighting; Skin texture on Morty; and last but not least... Lighting.

Things I'll be adding: Light switches; Electrical outlets; cords; a Grandmother Clock; Other Miscellaneous items.

Things I'll be doing to myself: Pulling what little hair I have left out; Mumbling to myself; Random bursts of hysterical laughter; Swatting at imaginary flies.

Don't worry about me though, I'll eventually get the hang of this... right Joe? JOE? JOE!!!?? Don't you die on me buddy!!!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Off My Game.

I tried to come up with something witty for this post. None of it was dark enough or cynical enough for my liking, so...just check out the production art for the 'bathroom' scene and let us know what you think... [Click for larger images]

Friday, April 01, 2005

Feel the Loss...

Mitch Hedberg, awesome comedian, died yesterday. We couldn't be more bummed about it. He was truly talented and on the rise. Died at the age of 37. Check out his comedy, you'll not be disappointed.

Anyway, we still have the pots boiling over here. I'm finishing up the cake model for Morty, and after that I'll start finalizing the textures on Morty's skin, clothes, and add his hair.

So stay tuned this weekend. Maybe Joe will post some cool stuff for you to peruse?

So long, Mitch:

"I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry. And that's extra scary to me, because there's a large, out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside. Run. He's fuzzy. Get outta here."

"I saw a human pyramid once. It was totally unnecessary."

"I haven't slept for ten days, because that would be too long."

"I bought a doughnut and they gave me a receipt for the doughnut... I don't need a receipt for the doughnut. I give you money and you give me the doughnut, end of transaction. Do we need to bring ink and paper into this? I can't imagine a scenario that I would have to prove that I bought a doughnut.  To some skeptical friend, Don't even act like I didn't buy a doughnut, I've got the documentation right here... It's in my file at home. ...Under "D"."

"I used to do drugs. I still do drugs. But I used to, too."