Thursday, April 21, 2005

Bone to Pick

There are things I like about this 3D stuff, some things I love. But setting up a character rig has got to be the down side. It can be rather challenging to get it to look and behave right. But alas, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel (apropos for the sort of story we're telling). All of his major bodily movements have been successfully rigged (boned), so now I have to set up morph targets for his face. Setting up the face targets is much more fun and intuitive (for me anyway) than actually rigging a character to move. I WISH I had some stuff to post, but it's just not in a state that's presentable yet. What I might do is a character test and fully render it over the weekend, so you'll have a bright, shiny new movie to watch by Monday. Thanks for hanging in there folks... patience is a virtue.

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