Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Off My Game.

I tried to come up with something witty for this post. None of it was dark enough or cynical enough for my liking, so...just check out the production art for the 'bathroom' scene and let us know what you think... [Click for larger images]


  1. I want to buy the original art for "Yoo-Rine." I'm not paying, I'm blackmailing -- if you think you can just draw the goddamn Scrubbing Bobbles (TM) you're freakin' nuts. Notice the TM? NOTICE IT!?!?!

    That's "Trade Mark" you freaking idea hacks.

  2. Insanity. It looks good to me.

    Kind of like plankton on SpongeBob.

    Maybe I should have thought of a less damning comparison...


let us know what you really think... it's okay to gush...