Friday, April 08, 2005

No Rest For The Truly Wicked.

I know how you all like it rough out there in the ether, so, I thought I'd give you an early look at the cow / farm scene. It's super preliminary, so don't get on my ass about perspective this, cow anatomy that...It's a rough kids. Take a deep breath and enjoy life. It's 1:03 am in the east as I write this. I am in the basement, the heavy metal is cranked, I'm in a cloud of toxic marker vapor, the creativity is flowin' and I'm just getting warmed up. No rest for the wicked.


  1. Reminds me of some PETA propaganda I was forced to watch.

  2. Are these cows wearing girldes? Are these image-conscious cows? It looks like the Grand Cow Ball in there -- big buildnig, cows dressed up and wearing earrings.

    When I was a kid, we didn't have fancy farms like this. We took a Louisville Slugger, walked to the neighbors's barn, and made our own steaks (so to speak). That's the way it was AND WE LIKED IT.

    Vote for my podcast at

    Now GEET!

  3. k, first of all, no animals will be harmed during the making of this film. Rest assured. After the film, we'll torture and kill plenty, but none DURING.

    Second, Yes. That cow is sniffing the other's dairy aire. HA! GET IT? Dairy! ... Yes, I too am in awe at my own cleverness.

    Third, they're not girdles! They're the new WonderUdder™ from Victoria's Secret. Drives the Bulls crazy.

  4. good lord. everybody ignore kevin.


let us know what you really think... it's okay to gush...