Thursday, April 28, 2005


Man, I was going to have a new render for you today. It would have been more of the same (Morty looking around and doing his thing), but unfortunately, we had a black-out on the computer. So the render quit and I lost all those precious frames. Ahhh well, I've re-started the render. So, we'll all get to see it tomorrow.

Also, I've had to focus a little more energy than normal onto other endeavors this week. Joe and I are also in the process of combining our "design and motion" capabilities under one web site. And as we all know, making something cool takes an extrodinary amount of time and effort. So. for the time being, I have to split my efforts between that and the movie... but it's all good. In no way will this mean Joe & I will stop posting here every week, we will continue to show our progress, but it means just that, we'll ONLY post our progress, which means progress advances only as fast as we do. Man?! What does that even mean? I'm not even making any sense... now I think I'M going senile.

ok. I just pee'd myself. Move over Morty...

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