Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Happy Birthday Morty!

Okay. This is really starting to get hard. But I knew that going in, I was just fishing for some pity. I've been blowing through iteration after iteration of different lighting, textures, props. This is where I currently am.

Things I know I'll be changing: Carpet; Table Cloth/Doily; Making the cake shorter; one way or another I'll be giving him hair and eyebrows; Texture on his cardigan.

Things I'll probably be tweaking: Lighting; Lighting; Table & wood textures; Lighting; Placement of various props, like the TV; Lighting; Skin texture on Morty; and last but not least... Lighting.

Things I'll be adding: Light switches; Electrical outlets; cords; a Grandmother Clock; Other Miscellaneous items.

Things I'll be doing to myself: Pulling what little hair I have left out; Mumbling to myself; Random bursts of hysterical laughter; Swatting at imaginary flies.

Don't worry about me though, I'll eventually get the hang of this... right Joe? JOE? JOE!!!?? Don't you die on me buddy!!!


  1. Kev's wife said:
    Honey, you have no hair, you mumbled to yourself before you started this project, and if you would shower once in a while, the flies would go away on their own.
    Oh yeah... way to go! You're Da Bomb!!( learned that in wife 101 class)

  2. D's watchin' too much Oprah again, Kev...


let us know what you really think... it's okay to gush...