Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Living Room Fly-Thru

It's not finished or lit, but I figured I'd render a fly-thru because I'm just too impatient to wait until I'm done. Yes, it's true, I have Tourette-like work habits, but the advantages are you get to see incomplete stuff in the mean time.

Fun Fact: I forgot to resize the ceiling in this animation, so you can say Morty has a convertible living room.

Enjoy. [3.5 MB]


  1. Egads, thanks for the motion sickness you bastards. I puked all over myself.

  2. [pedro] maybe I'll build him a cake or sumpding [/pedro]

    sigler: You gotta lay of the sauce, brother. Next time I'll post a Dramamine warning.


let us know what you really think... it's okay to gush...