Monday, March 28, 2005

Soo-Prize! Soo-Prize!

Well, I figured I'd add a little sumpin' sumpin' today. Here is a render of Morty in his natural setting. The usual disclaimer applies: Not fully textured; Not fully lit; Not fully finished. (but it IS getting there)

This is a render at HD resolution (1280x720), so if you're on a small, antiquated monitor, go out and get yerself a biggun' already... yeeesh. And while you're at it, pick up a dang TiVo... they're giving these things away in Happy Meals already... what's the hold up?


  1. Well, clint, keep in mind that you probably work at a place that takes pride in their institutionalized hand-drying technology left over from the '50s.

  2. 'sup kev and joe- just ran into your blog and i LOVE morty, he is so cute!
    i had a chance to run through some of your archive's, and can't wait to see more of the finished product!
    good work guys- as an LA native who ALWAYS goes to see animated shorts at the festivals, i hope to see this around once it's finished!

    aww, i heart morty!

  3. and morty loves you jen. he wants you to keep checking back and buy a "I 'HEART' morty." shirt as soon as they're available. oh, yeh...and a DVD, too...

  4. HAHAHAHHA the old fucker is drooling!! HAHAHAHA, I bet he pooped his pants too!!!


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